Stupid Cancer Programs
Code of Conduct


The purpose of this policy is to provide a code of conduct for any and all Stupid Cancer community members who choose to attend a program. It applies to all individuals present at Stupid Cancer Programs.

Policy Statement

While attending a Stupid Cancer Program, I agree that I will:

  • Represent Stupid Cancer in a positive manner and treat everyone in the AYA cancer community with dignity, respect, and worth.
  • Make a commitment to be non-judgmental about the cultural differences, living conditions, beliefs, and/or lifestyles of other Stupid Cancer community members.
  • Keep conversations confidential so that DMUs are a safe space for all.
  • Refrain from making insensitive or offensive comments about politics, religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or other potentially sensitive topics.
  • Be cautious when requesting or sharing personal details, including medical and contact information (email, phone number, social media). Maintain appropriate boundaries both within and outside of Stupid Cancer mediated environments, and respect that other community members may prefer not to socialize outside of a Stupid Cancer group setting.
  • Abstain from the consumption or use of all tobacco products, any recreational drugs, and/or excessive alcohol while involved with any Stupid Cancer event.
  • Report any emergencies to the appropriate staff or onsite authorities immediately to ensure the health and safety of attendees and all members of the community


Stupid Cancer reserves the right to remove any community member from a program for not adhering to this Code of Conduct or behaving in an abusive or inappropriate manner.