Health & Wellness

Your medical team will manage your treatment plan, but it’s important for you as the patient to take ownership of your physical health and wellness. There are many steps you can take, during and after cancer treatment, to improve your health and quality of life outside of your treatment center. Positive lifestyle changes such as stress management, healthy eating, and physical activity can help you feel better during and after treatment, lessen your risk of recurrence, and avoid other chronic health issues.


You’re probably getting a lot of conflicting advice from friends or neighbors about what to eat or what to avoid now that you have cancer. People might be telling you what foods “caused” your cancer or what herbs can cure it. Deciding what to eat is even harder when side effects make things taste differently, or make it difficult to eat and drink. When you’re fatigued, cooking a meal or grocery shopping might be the last thing you want to do. If you’ve gained or lost weight because of treatment, the pressure to “eat right” can feel even more intense.

With so much conflicting information out there, you need to talk to an expert that can speak to your specific nutritional needs. A registered dietician can help you create a balanced diet plan that enables you to get the nutrients you need, while still appealing to your preferences. Remember to always speak with your doctor about any potential interactions with your treatment regimen or before changing your diet.

Questions for your provider...

Can you refer me to a registered dietician certified in oncology nutrition?

Are there any dietary supplements I should be taking?

Can dietary supplements affect my treatment?

More on Nutrition...

Nutrition: The Down and Dirty on What to Eat

Nutrition and Healing in the 21st Century


Staying active during treatment will benefit you physically and mentally. Regular exercise can reduce fatigue and treatment side effects, allow you to continue daily activities, and increase your quality of life. Speak with your cancer team about what level and duration of exercise is safe for you. You can work with a physical therapist or exercise specialist to create a program that is easy, fun, and effective. Stretching, balance exercises, strength training, and cardio are all recommended activities. Whether you are biking around town or doing yard work: start slowly, take breaks, and listen to your body.

Questions for your provider...

How can exercise support my treatment plan/survivorship?

Are there any exercises I should avoid?

What signs or symptoms should I look out for as I exercise?

Can you recommend a cancer exercise specialist?

More on Exercise...

Staying Active During Treatment

Can I Exercise? Should I? Yep. 

Managing Side Effects

Side effects of cancer treatments will vary depending on your treatment plan. Some may happen right away as you go through treatment, others develop after weeks or months. Side effects can be very unpleasant, but they can be managed and lessened over time. Talk to your care team about what you should look out for and how you can address it.

Changes in your appearance are common, specifically in your hair and skin. Hair loss is probably the most well-known side effect of chemo, but not everyone loses their hair. If your treatment is known to cause hair loss, be gentle on your scalp when washing and brushing your hair. Some patients feel empowered by shaving their head; others prefer to wear wigs or headscarves during treatment. When your hair grows back, you may notice the texture or color is different in your new hair growth. Daily side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and pain can be controlled through medication.

Sores or dry and itchy skin are also common.  Wear protective sunscreen and clothing and keep irritated areas clean and dry. Ask your care team for recommended soaps, creams, or lotions that are gentle and soothing for irritated skin. Avoid ice packs, heating pads, fragrance, and tight-fitting clothes on sensitive areas.

Lymphedema (the swelling of an extremity) can happen when fluid cannot drain properly after lymph nodes are damaged or removed during treatment. Early care is important to manage symptoms and prevent it from progressing. If you begin to notice swelling, talk to your doctor right away so you can meet with a certified lymphedema therapist.

“Chemo brain” is a feeling of mental cloudiness that can make it difficult to concentrate. Other cognitive side effects, like difficulty sleeping and mood changes, are also normal. You may also experience changes to your appetite and taste in food.

Treatment effects can be frustrating, but be patient with yourself and take time to care for your body, pamper yourself, and do things that make you feel good. Keep track of your symptoms and keep your cancer care team up to date on any changes you experience. It’s normal not to feel your best during cancer treatment, but your symptoms can be improved with the right care and support. If you feel like your side effects aren’t being managed effectively, speak up! Talk to your doctors and be persistent if necessary; there is probably something else that can be done to make you more comfortable.

Questions for your provider...

What side effects can I expect during treatment and what steps can I take to lessen them?

When will these side effects appear and how long can I expect them to last?

When should I contact you about these symptoms? What’s a sign I need urgent care?

Can you tell me about cold cap therapy to reduce hair loss?

How can I better manage my nausea and help my appetite?

How can I control my pain?

Additional Resources

Learn about the research

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