Special Initiatives
Being an AYA with cancer means navigating treatment and survivorship while balancing questions about fertility, finances, and so much more. Click on the links below to learn more about these concerns and find resources to help you Get Busy Living
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Access to Care Project
Stupid Cancer, in partnership with professional associations serving cancer patients, is leading a project to support providers serving AYA patients by developing support tools to address the unique needs and challenges of the patient community. This project seeks to understand where, along the continuum of care, gaps appear and then identify what patients and providers need to better address these gaps and better serve patients.
Health Disparities Town Hall
Stupid Cancer’s Health Disparities Town Hall is a 3-year initiative with the goal of hearing directly from young cancer patients from historically marginalized groups about their experiences during their diagnosis, treatment, and/or support and to understand their stories. Using feedback from a series of Town Halls & Focus Groups, we will develop and implement a strategic action plan and supporting initiatives to address the needs of AYA cancer patients from these specific groups.