Tag: Gratitude

Surviving Guilt

Reading Time: 6 minutes In December 2018, I decided to do a self breast exam while sitting in the bath. I hadn’t looked into how to do one properly, but I figured if I

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Kassandra’s Story

Reading Time: 2 minutes Prior to my diagnosis, in December of 2019, I had been working in clinical research and was enrolled in a Biomedical Science Masters program with hopes of continuing on to

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Love with ALL

Reading Time: 4 minutes John and I met on a dating app in February of 2017. We “officially” started dating on March 19th, 2017. Not even three weeks later, I was diagnosed with Acute

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Kicking Cancer’s Butt

Reading Time: 2 minutes My life changed forever after hearing the words “I’m so sorry, you have cancer.”  My life flipped upside down on August 28, 2019. I was hesitant to post this news

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ACC Messed with the Wrong Person

Reading Time: 2 minutes I was a student teaching as a second-semester senior at Mercyhurst University when everything changed.  I had a meeting and dinner with a handful of friends, everyone was socially distanced

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When Cancer Knocks on your Door

Reading Time: 3 minutes The good ole college days! For me, they were 15-16 years ago. Just like the average college student, I was living a carefree life, hanging out with friends, trying to

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Racing for a Cure

Reading Time: 3 minutes In the middle of 2019, I randomly decided to train for a half marathon. I registered for one on the spot, and after a few months of training, I completed

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