Tag: Gratitude

CancerCon 22

Reading Time: 2 minutes My first in-person CancerCon experience went well. I was nervous thinking about the trip. I do not travel much but I thought, “Why not try it out?”. I am happy

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Cancer Again?!?

Reading Time: 4 minutes When I was 26, on December 1st, 2017, I was first diagnosed with a rare form of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. To say that my body didn’t react to treatment well is

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Stupid Cancer, Stupid Thyroid

Reading Time: 2 minutes I first got involved with Stupid Cancer through my work as an oncology social worker. I support a lot of young adults newly diagnosed and trying to navigate their cancer

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My Experience at CancerCon 2022

Reading Time: 2 minutes From the moment I arrived in Minneapolis, I was greeted with smiling faces and welcoming eyes at the conference. There was an underlying feeling of being accepted and showing up

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Frank Sinatra & My Vagina

Reading Time: 6 minutes Most people think they have a basic understanding of what radiation therapy is, but until you become a cancer patient, you don’t really know the half of it. The extent

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Finding the Other Why

Reading Time: 4 minutes I was an 80s kid and loved the show The Greatest American Hero. The theme song “Believe it or not, I’m walking on air….” still puts me in a good

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